Saturday, August 28, 2010

important safety project needed along the GWT


3 Pedestrian bridges needed along the GWT

Get the news here

As Lombard's Mayor Mueller says in the article "When the Great Western Trail
reaches Lombard, it has a spot that becomes very dangerous," We agree!

Thank you again to the Village of Lombard for their support of this important safety
improvement for the trail users, pedestrians traveling north south through Lombard 
and the thousands of folks that use the upgraded community water park along the
GWT on the south side of the tracks and St Charles Rd.

Please thank Mr. Bill Mueller the Village President of Lombard who has always
been quick to follow-up on trail concerns for his support of the GWT bridge project.
Contact him at email address:

To ensure this project is completed we need your emails to support this project.
Keep updated on the trails at website
See the attached one page word doc for info about this important trail safety improvement project. Feel free to distribute it and include it in news articles, websites, blogs, etc.
Remember to ensure this project is completed we need your emails to support this project.
Don Kirchenberg
Voluntary Chairman
Friends of the Great Western Trails
630-853-7650 Mobile
For news on trails and the environment go to
 Join us on FACEBOOK at

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Navistar news and a DuPage update

While Navistar has been suspiciously silent here in DuPage there continues to be news about their activities in Fort Wayne, IN. Click here:
Note the heavy industrial diesel engine testing they do in Fort Wayne was what they have wanted (and have not canceled their deal with Lucent) to bring to Lisle next to homes for thousands, a school for children and beautiful forest preserve. Remember Navistar has not canceled their deal with Lucent or the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County. Their plans are still on to "steal 4 acres of our forest preserves" in a first time ever deal to have our forest preserve land taken away for commercial enterprise.
Go to this site to be kept abreast of the latest news regarding Navistar's terrible plans for DuPage County.
Please note my comments above are independent of the hard working group Citizens for Healthy Development but I certainly support all their efforts.
You are encouraged to pass along this email.
Don Kirchenberg
630-853-7650 Mobile
For news on trails and the environment go to
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